
This is a blog dedicated to health disparities policy. Please read the introduction and "Guideposts....", and Planned Segments listed on the column to the right, which are intended to introduce the reader to the blog.
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books from people we know or will hear from at our summit...

6 books all recently published have come to our attention, as follows....be sure and add to this list: 1. r.williams, "Eliminating Healthcare Disparities in America", Humana Press (2007)
2. D Satcher and R Pamies, "Multicultural Medicine and Health Disparities", McGraw Hill, (2006)
3. B Smedley, A Stith, and A Nelson, (Editors), Unequal Treatment, "Confronting Social and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care", National Academies Press (2003)
4. Norma and Wm. Anderson,"Autobiographies of a Black Couple of the Greatest Generation", (2004).
5. D Wilson with C. Spitzer, "Wilson's Way - Win Don't Whine" (2009) Go to www.booksurge.com>
6. L Grouse, "Cable Hell - The Birth and Death of Medical Television" (2011), Barrenger Publishing.

The first three on the list are the go to texts for excellent overview of health disparities.....the latter three are the personal stories of people involved at the core of the struggle for justice and equality (#4 and #5), and in #6, how an amazingly promising educational innovation/intervention can be effectively destroyed by excessive commercialism.